
Bail Bonds Agent and Owner Ryan Eastep at Wichita Bonding Company

The Wrong Perception of The Bail Bonds Industry

People think of Dog the Bounty Hunter when they are thinking of people in the bail bonds industry. In fact, that is the farthest perception to have of the bail bonds industry. Dog really did a lot to bring light to bounty hunting and bail bonds. However, he is not the reflection of real bondsmen. For many years it has been ran by good ol boys who simply got into the industry to make some money and pretend to be cop. They loved the idea of arresting someone after they had missed court. The good ol boy system is fading and needs to continue to fade when it comes to the bail bonds industry. Especially in Kansas! We we talk directly about an individual today who has helped redefine the bail bonds industry right here in Wichita, Kansas!

The Journey for Ryan Eastep to get to The Bail Bonds Industry 

Ryan Eastep has been in the bail bonds industry since 2015. Ryan’s journey to being a bail bonds agent has been anything but normal. Ryan’s life and story in itself has led him straight to the bail bonds industry. There was no dad in his life and there was a mother doing her best to raise him. Eventually it became too much for mom and Ryan fell into the h0me of an abusive substitute father at the age of 9. From there it was abuse of all forms for the next 9 years. Alcohol and drugs became a part of his life around the age of 14. It was downhill and the next 14 years would be filled with coping in all the wrong ways.

Ryan was a high school dropout, and he eventually had a son and a daughter, both of which, he lost custody of because of alcohol and drug addiction. Mr. Eastep had a beautiful girlfriend that he lost because he had no control over alcohol or drugs. He spent his years lost in the darkness while he was in and out jail himself with misdemeanor charges. He has been booked into jail himself 19 times in the state of Kansas. Most of those were right here in Sedgwick County, Kansas. Addiction eventually cost Ryan every friendship and every personal possession he ever had. The journey of alcohol eventually progressed to methamphetamines. Eventually getting to the stage of addiction where methamphetamines led Ryan to being homeless, jumping from couch to couch, and leading to his death almost on many occasions.

A Bail Bonds Associate Introducing Ryan to the Bible

In 2012, it was an actual bail bond agent that introduced the bible to Ryan and asked him if he had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This lead Ryan on a long, lonely journey seeking something different for his life than he had ever had before. Ryan was an atheist who had no belief in God whatsoever. In his mind, there was no way a God could exist with all he had been through in his lifetime. But Ryan read and Ryan prayed! They years went by and people around Ryan couldn’t comprehend someone smoking meth and reading the bible. Eventually, God pulled Ryan out of addiction. In August of 2014 at the age of 28, Ryan got clean off of drugs and alcohol for the first time since he was 14 years old.

Ryan Catching His Break to get Into The Bail Bonds Industry

In August of 2015, Ryan met someone who had been in the bail bonds industry since 2009. Ryan had been progressing from job to job to get to this moment. One step at a time to the next better opportunity. He started at McDonalds, then Eagle Environmental doing grunt work, and then to Star Lumber here in Wichita, Kansas. Ryan had also gotten his GED and was actively pursuing his associate’s degree in business! While at Star Lumber here in Wichita, Kansas, Ryan would come in part time to do stuff around the bail bonds office to simply help out and advertise. The day came where Ryan was offered a full-time job in the bail bonds office to help grow an interlock business from the ground up and also promote the bail bonds business. At the time, A Second Chance Bail Bonds had no face and no real publicity.

Becoming an Owner of a Bail Bonds Business

In October of 2021, Ryan took a leap of faith with 4 partners to set out on a journey to do bail bonds differently. People matter most in this business. The people in and out of jail just need someone to listen and care. Defendants are usually in the positions they are in because of something they are dealing with internally. It all usually stems from childhood. After disputes and not seeing things the same way, Ryan left his old company. Ryan ran A Second Chance Bail Bonds, Big Fish Bail Bonds and Uncle Bills Bail Bonds for 3 years. He did not agree with many behind the scenes aspects of doing business. So, he stood on the principles and foundations he learned first coming into faith. Him and his partners started Wichita Bonding Company with nothing but the foundation of faith.

The Wichita Bonding Company Bail Bonds Journey

Ryan and the rest of the bail bonds team knew it would not be easy. Bail bonds business is a very hard industry to be in. They do not want to be like the good old boys who just want to make money and make arrest. No one on the team wanted to be like the people in their old companies. This team wanted to set the foundation early of being all about people. Caring, loving, and showing grace. Treating defendants like humans and not criminals. The beginning has been rough knowing it was all about growth and relevancy so at times, things moved to fast. Now in the 3rd year, it has been settling in and really finding the groove. You will lose people and gain people along the way in business. No matter what, keep going. What is for you, is for you.

In Conclusion

Ryan Eastep has been sober for 10 years now. Ryan is married to his once girlfriend he lost. He is a father to both of his children. Ryan also bought out his employers to own the interlock business that got his foot in the door of bail bonds. You can check out his interlock business at: Wichita’s #1 Ignition Interlock System Service | Free & Fast Install (interlockwichita.com).

Ryan is set out to challenge the problems within the criminal justice system. He has been helping create programs and processes that help the defendant well beyond being in jail. Ryan has done so well at this that all companies are trying to do this as well. Over the years, Ryan has been a trendsetter and has brought bail bonds to new heights in marketing, community work, and resources. When you choose a bondsman or bail bond agent in Wichita, Kansas, don’t use good old boys, use the new guys! You never need a bondsman, until you need a bondsman. When you call Wichita Bonding Company, you are getting the #1 bail bonds in team in Wichita, Kansas.

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